Lyons History Pictorial will, again, be available for purchase this Fall. The first run of this publication released last November received an overwhelming response selling out 400 copies in approximately two months. With the number of additional requests over the past seven months I have decided to print a second run of 200 hundred copies which will be sold on a first come first serve basis. The books will be available approximately September 1st. I am currently conducting presales to assure those interested will be guaranteed a copy.
DETAILS OF THE BOOK Titled “Things I Know and The Stories I’ve Been Told” covers the entire Township of Lyons encompassing, the village of Lyons, the village of Springfield, south to Hwy 50 and east to the Town of Burlington border. ”Born and raised in the village of Lyons this collection of pictures, interviews, and stories from the first settlers arriving to the territory of Lyondale, to the town of Lyons as we know it today is sure to “spark” memories of times past.” One hundred six pages in length, the book includes over 250 photos, both past and present, of the people, buildings and activities throughout the Township over the past one hundred sixty years. Designed in an 8.5 x 10.75 landscape format, the book is printed in full color with a laminated soft cover. “It is my tribute to the people; I have grown up with, worked for, learned from and lived next to my entire life.”
sample of the book and order blank can be viewed a–
DON’T MISS OUT- RESERVE TODAY!To reserve your copy, send completed
order blank along with your check for $30.00 to Linda Skiles, P.O. Box 73, Lyons, WI 53148 ~ 262-763-2003 ~ If you require shipping include an additional $6.00 for priority shipping. Books will be available, for pickup in Lyons, approximately September 1st.